As for the "yesterday": Well, what I really mean by "yesterday," in this context, is "last Thursday." Because awesome event photographer Stacie, who helped make last Thursday's In the Flesh event a toe-curling success, has given me permission to post this photo of the authors involved (minus Yours Truly, at Yours Truly's request).
Top row, left to right: Scott D. Pomfret, Rachel Shukert, Samara O'Shea, Susan Wright. Front row, left to right: D. L. King, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Anna David. Masturbating under table: Jeremy Edwards.
Lest you think I am just an elaborate hoax: I promise, I really was there! I was even really wearing a fedora. If you don't believe me, ask EllaRegina.
Thanks for the props, Jeremy! And lest anyone not believe he was there (although I don't seem to recall him masturbating under the table), I saw the fedora! How sexy is a man in a fedora? Way sexy...
You're a stitch.
I'm grinning from ear to ear just thinking about all the fun that was had.
That's a lovely photo, Stacie!
And yes, Jeremy was there. When he wasn't reading he was sitting near me but I did not detect any masturbatory activity, above or below table, and that's something I know a thing or two about.
However Mrs. Jeremy and I had our hands full trying to keep an eye on him. He was frantically stashing issues of Penthouse Variations in the ribbon of his fedora, as if they were reporter's press passes from days of yore. He even got away with it! When things were calmer he actually let me touch his fedora. Felt on a hot day -- nothing like it!
Thanks for the sweet compliments, Stacie and Neve!
And it's true: EllaRegina felt my felt. Or, to put it another way, I was felt up—way up, above my ears.
I'm so sorry I missed it! I tried, but unforseen complications thwarted my efforts. It sounds like everyone had a great time.
Well, even if you weren't brave enough to have your photo taken with your fellow smut scribes, at least you were courageous enough to read smut aloud with your fellow smut scribes. :P
What an assembly of serious smutty talent! So sorry I could not make it, but thanks for the report and--ahem--visual aid.
even if you weren't brave enough to have your photo taken with your fellow smut scribes
Actually, my natural love of attention almost caused me to break my vow of online facial absence. I saw that camera come out, and my eyes immediately glazed over with the manic look of a limelight-crazed monkey. "I'm famous! I'm famous!" I began to intone. "Whatever you say, Mac," said the bartender. Fortunately for my vow, by the time I'd ripped all my clothes off the photo session had concluded.
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