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Announcements, Links, & Trivia Pertaining to the Erotic Writing Career of Jeremy Edwards. This blog may contain sexually explicit prose, audio, and book-cover photos (and it links to websites with explicit text, audio, and/or images), so it's for adults only.
"Jeremy Edwards is an incredible storyteller." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"Jeremy Edwards’ masterful blend of sensuousness with a splash of kink is sure to arouse the most sophisticated readers." Alison Tyler
"Jeremy Edwards is one of the best writers of erotic fiction." Polly Frost, author of Deep Inside and Sex Scenes
"Jeremy Edwards never fails to please." Lucrezia Magazine
"The man has magic in each and every one of his dirty little fingertips." ZenFetish
"Jeremy Edwards has, in two novels and countless shorter pieces, managed to earn himself a spot as a master of erotocomedic fiction. The light, carefree but deeply affectionate way in which his characters interact with each other has become his trademark, and I’m hooked on it." Madeline Elayne
"His stories are witty, charming, intelligent, raunchy, and wildly arousing." Saskia Walker
"His upbeat stories should be required reading for a sex-positive approach to the sensual life." Donna George Storey
"Witty, humorous, and erotically romantic.... It is a flavor all its own." Roxanne Rhoads
"The irresistible blend of raunch and romantic sweetness..." Forum (UK)
"Sex-positive and upbeat ... hurtles along at the unmissable pace of a Buster Keaton car chase.... [Edwards] knows how to tell a story that excites and entertains and his fiction is never less than a must-read." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"How can you not love an author who focuses first on his heroines’ intelligence and second on their sexual exuberance, with physical appearance taking third place?... This is a clever and very funny book." Beyond Romance
"Fans of Jeremy Edwards' erotic tales are sure to enjoy this expertly-paced romp through the glamorous world of 1930's Hollywood. You'll find Edwards' signature witty repartee, an unfettered celebration of sensual pleasure, and plenty of clever twists in a story that evokes the screwball comedies of the golden age." Donna George Storey
"Jeremy is gifted at combining humour and erotic elements in a rollicking good story. No easy task. His latest novel, The Pleasure Dial, is a real treat.... " Saskia Walker
"The novel never wavers in its vibrant, lively pacing and flawlessly entertaining storyline. I frequently found myself caught between laughing out loud and beaming with delight at the charm and wit that abounds in the prose...." Emerald
"I smiled and giggled all the way through this romp of a read.... Fear not however—the humour doesn’t in any way detract from the sensuality of the piece—this tale is toasty!" Kay Jaybee
"It reminded me of the works of P.G. Wodehouse, which are likewise peopled with charming eccentrics...." Vanessa Wu
"Lubricious, lively, and louche...." The Jaydit Reader
"What makes this book truly special ... is the raucous sense of humor upon which the sex is buoyed.... There is not a cliché to be found in the entire novel and, when it comes to erotica, that alone is quite a feat." Jordan LaRousse, Oysters & Chocolate Erotic
"Mr. Edwards paints a delightful picture of a relationship grounded on mutual respect and mutual horniness.... If you're in search of some good-natured, cheeky entertainment, I recommend it highly." Lisabet Sarai, Erotica Revealed
"A blisteringly good read. From the opening lines the story is charged with chemistry between the central characters." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"A splendid demonstration of how to ally sex and humour.... [It] will raise the reader’s temperature and royally entertain." Maxim Jakubowski, Lovereading UK
"Protagonists Jacob and Normandie are like a modern-day Nick and Nora Charles, except their Thin Man–style adventures leap quickly from clever innuendo to hot and explicit erotic encounters of every flavor.... I highly recommend you read this with a glass of champagne by your side." Donna George Storey
"From page one, I was as in love with this novel's characters as they are with each other.... Brilliantly delightful and unwaveringly uplifting, Rock My Socks Off offers nonstop entertainment and dazzling prose in a tale of sexual openness, enthusiasm, and love." Emerald
"Rock My Socks Off is a fun-fest .... A rollicking good romp." Lucy Felthouse
"So warm, charming, funny and sexy."Charlotte Stein
"Smart, perverse and sexually inventive." Polly Frost, author of Deep Inside and Sex Scenes
"A humorous and sexy frolic that you won't want to put down." Roxanne Rhoads
"Sharp. Witty. Fun. Sexy. I don’t think you can ask for much more from an author of erotic fiction." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"There’s something about the characterization in these stories that blew me away.... This is a brilliant collection of short stories." Samantha Sade, Oysters & Chocolate Erotic
"You can’t miss with Spark My Moment." Steven Hart, Erotica Revealed
"A whole book of fun sex.... a Jeremy Edwards extravaganza.... Every story is uplifting in some way." Sharazade
"Jeremy Edwards is stamping out the literary equivalent of airbrushed thighs.... Spark My Moment is packed full of stories with wonderful, cerebral plot lines with no shitty clichés anywhere." Helen Storey, Foreplay
Thanks for sharing the cover. I need to get that hotter than summer picture up on my blog! :)
But, seriously, when are they going to put a hunky dude on the cover? Jeremy, you really need to volunteer to correct the gender discrimination.
Kristina, I couldn't agree more!
I am so tired of seeing covers which completely ignore a readership of straight women. Erotica still seems to be stuck in the 70s, its target being primarily het men. And the argument used to defend this goes round in self-fulfilling circles - straight men are (always have been) the main audience, therefore we must market to them if we're to make any money ... therefore men are (still) the main audience.
I really wish there was an erotica publisher willing to move forward from this.
This is my 2nd Jakubowski anthology and I'm not sure if I'll sub to any more. There are other editors whose anthos I never sub to because their covers offend me. I want to write erotica but I don't want to be part of a system which is still modelled on that old chestnut of men being given a sneaky privileged insight into the 'truth' of female sexuality (see Fanny Hill onwards).
Plus, I want to see some hard dirty muscle.
Sorry Jeremy! I hope I can say all this without pissing on your bonfire. Wonderful, as ever, to share a TOC with you.
Um ... pissing on ... do you have that phrase in the US?
While the cover is hot, I agree a hot man might just make it even better. Good thinking KW.
Kristina, I haven't seen demographics on erotica readers, but I'm willing to bet the current numbers skew toward the women these days. After all, there is a reason there are so many "women's erotica" anthologies being published-- not to mention the popularity of erotic romance!
I'd be willing to compromise: give me a sexy couple... or threesome...
Don't mean to hijack your blog post, J! :)
Kristina, you’re right. Women are increasingly buying (and writing) erotica. They may even be the majority consumers in some areas (though I’m willing to bet a significant number of men are highly interested in ‘women’s anthologies’). So hurrah for the interweb! It allows women to explore and purchase in comfort, and we don’t have to brave the dirty mac section of bookshops anymore.
Similarly, women are increasingly drinking beer, learning how to use powerdrills and riding motorbikes (no, not at the same time!). None of these are ever marketed at women because to do so would be to ‘feminize’ the product and risk putting men off. It seems erotica works on similar lines ie don’t put the blokes off. The only ‘safe’ place for beefcake to appear is on the covers of gay fiction or erotic romance – two areas where straight men don’t stray. Occasionally, a couple will feature on an erotica cover (usually with most space given to the woman) but the default is a sexualised female body.
Women are used to being excluded and ignored, and we’re very good at finding our way to – or creating – the stuff we want, irrespective of the marketeers, the politicians, the subtle forces that keep the dominant ideology as is. If woman are – or are becoming – the lead consumers of erotica then isn’t it time publishers latched on to this? Isn’t it time they risked losing a few fragile male readers in order to reach even more women? Isn’t it time they stopped presenting women as objects of desire and were able to represent a) the objects of *our* desire whose big, grimy muscles we would dearly like to lick and b) women as desiring creatures with sexual agency and autonomy?
In short, more clinches! More het couples on het erotica. That really ought to be the default.
(Again, sorry Jeremy! This is turning into the Kristina and Kristina show. We should name it – Kristinas for Clinches – or something much filthier.)
Jeremy, thanks for posting the cover. I clicked the link and was pleased to find that your name was first of the list of stories to be included in the book.
To the Kristina Tag Team, I agree. It is peculiar that the TOCs of most erotica anthos are predominantly women, and yet the covers are clearly meant to appeal to men.
But I don't think that erotica in general is stuck in the seventies. Erotica is much, much more mature now, and that is largely due to the fact that many of the movers and shakers in erotica are women.
Perhaps the covers reflect a seventies ideal, but in defense of Maxim, this is not just true of his anthologies.
It is indeed time to mature the approach to Erotica covers, and the idea of couples is an outstanding one. Erotica is about contact and action; covers should reflect this.
What they said. The list of places I don't sub to is so long. I ignore them because they ignore me. I gave a talk recently at the South bank centre and demonstrated the point that mainstream erotica covers ignore straight women by showing the Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir covers. People actually *gasped*.
I suggest to Maxim et al, something more like this
Mathilde, I LOVE it! :)
Kristina, I completely agree with you. This part particularly struck me:
Women are used to being excluded and ignored, and we’re very good at finding our way to – or creating – the stuff we want, irrespective of the marketeers, the politicians, the subtle forces that keep the dominant ideology as is.
You nailed it. Women learn as girls that they will be excluded and it continues on into adulthood. We find ways around it, but the patriarchy rules. And there will always be plenty of women who believe if you can't beat the patriarchy, you might as well join it-- which makes it that much more of a challenge for the rest of us.
I worked in the children's department of the public library for over four years. One thing I learned very quickly: boys won't read a book with a female protagonist, but girls will gladly embrace a book or series featuring a boy protagonist. Does anyone think Hermione Granger and the Sorcerer's Stone would have attracted the same readership and attention as Harry Potter? Not that a female author can't or shouldn't write children's books about boys, but how many male authors are writing children's books with female protagonists?
Is it any wonder that we grow up to think it's perfectly normal that you can't tell the difference between a lesbian erotica anthology and a heterosexual erotica anthology unless you read the titles? As Craig said, it's not just Maxim's covers. We're inundated with the female form on all kinds of books and magazines.
Poor Jeremy. :)
If you enjoyed this debate you might want to know we are continuing it over on Erotica Cover Watch
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