It's always like that when a dream comes true.
You see, I've written a novel—an eroto-comedic novel, if you will (and I hope you will) ... a full-length erotic romp with funny stuff that I call Rock My Socks Off.
I don't mind telling you that I'm very proud of it.
And I'm champagne-bubbles-up-nose delighted and excited today to announce that Rock My Socks Off has been acquired for upcoming publication by Xcite Books! Xcite is a company I've already had the pleasure of working with repeatedly, with my stories appearing in many of their erotic anthologies.*
The official blurb, cover art, release date, and additional fanfare will come later ... but for now I'll hint that it's about a journalist and an astronomer who get into a lot of explicitly sexy and expressly absurd situations involving antique rocking horses, nonexistent space bodies, talk shows, and academia. If you think "bareness with banter" and "offbeat romantic," I think you'll start to get the idea. : )
I wrote this book, but I didn't do it in a vacuum. The vibrant, nurturing, and enriching environment of the erotic literature community urged me forward as much as the ideas in my head. I'm thinking of all the editors I've been working with as a short-story author, and of all my writer colleagues and pals and reader friends—and reader strangers ... all the people who make this such a wonderful, exciting, and inspiring world to be a part of.
So please grab a flute or a cello case, and allow me to pour you some bubbly (or the beverage of your choice)!
*Speaking of which, if you order Girl Fun One from Xcite now, it comes [or rather you do] with a free Goldfinger vibrator. My story "Symmetry" is in this new collection, which also includes work by Elizabeth Cage, Heidi Champa, Mark Farley, and Kristina Wright!
Ooooh, Jeremy! This magical and fantastic news, my friend!
Hey, champagne for everyone! Huge, big hug and CONGRATULATIONS to you!
I'm feeling very proud. :-)
Jeremy, that is such wonderful news!! Congratulations.
I'm going to get my champagne right now. Can't wait to read it.
I am so excited I can hardly speak!
This is just ace. Fucking ace.
Congrats, Jeremy, what a wonderful rockromp achievement! Hoorah!
A champagne toast to a writer whose work embodies the sparkling pleasure of the bubbly! Big, HUGE congratulations are in order. YAY!
I'm joining the line here to get my copy...naughtiness blended with academia is my favorite flavor of erotica :-). Can I have that with a cherry on top?
This is so exciting! Oh my, champagne for lunch! A journalist and an astronomer huh? I'll get my telescope out. ;-)
Congrats Jerermy - this is wonderful news!
Brilliant, Jeremy - just wonderful! Congratulations! You so deserve novel-length success and recognition. A sexy astronomer, eh? Am now imagining things that would make the Hubble telescope vibrate...
Thank you, sweet people, for joining me on this champagne ride! Your praise and congratulations and enthusiasm are out-champagning the bubbly—by light years.
Now I'll circulate among you with the cherries, telescopes, and other party favors ...
Congratulations! This is fantastic news! I cannot wait for it to be published! I am proud of you, my friend!
Skip the cello case -- you can pour directly into my open mouth!
I forgot to say:
Congratulations Jeremy! How exciting!! I really look forward to reading it! :)
Fantastic news, Jeremy!
I can't think of a more deserving author.
I don't have a flute, or a cello case, but I do have guitar case. Pour at will.
My verification word is thipt.
In my delirious celebration, I thipt on so much Champagne that I thipt and bumped my head.
Congrats on getting your very own ISBN! Fantabulous news and richly deserved!
Can't wait to read it. And look - two words that rhyme with 'cock/s' in your title. Cool!
Congrats, Jeremy! That's so fantastic. Doubly so because I get the impression it's quite hard to publish something that blends comedy with erotica.
So massive well dones. Can't wait to read it.
Hi Jeremy - I'm just popping in, and I'm late to the party, as always. CONGRATULATIONS!!! ((((HUG))))
That champagne bottle's got nothing on me--I've been bursting with pride for just about as long as I've known you. But this really does take the biscuit. Whoo-hoo! I remember Rock My Socks Off when it was just a gleam in your eye--and that first chapter which blew me away. I'm so happy!
Ah, more sweet people!! This calls for more champagne—and I see that another case has just arrived. (Not to be confused with Craig's guitar case.)
Helia: I love you!!! (There's no rooftop handy, so I'm shouting it from atop the nearest rocking horse.)
Anyone need a refill on his or her telescope? Plenty to go around!
Hubble-size hugs to all of you!!
Sometimes the unsung heroes in this writing thing are the partners who not only tolerate, but love our work.
DeDe is the first reader on everything I do, and when I miss the mark, she tells me so. When I nail it, she lights up like the fourth of July.
Cheers, Helia!
Oh, yes indeed ... Helia's love and support and encouragement and enthusiasm and confidence factor hugely—immeasurably—into everything I do. This theme, in fact, is currently in development as the subplot of my next prepublication blog post. ; ) So consider this comment a "teaser" for that.
Wooooohooo! Oh Jeremy, I'm so very pleased to hear this news. Knew it would happen, it was just a quetion of when. I'm delighted for you and I can't wait to order my copy.
(and yes, I'm way behind on my blog hopping, forgive me! Life has thrown rather a lot of obstacles in my path recently.)
Thank you so much, Saskia!!
And, hey, since release date is still far in the future, you're actually not behind at all! : )
Well, I'm even further behind than Saskia. I'm just so bad at keeping up with blogs!
I'm thrilled for you and I hope you'll submit it to Erotica Revealed for a review! Remember, the sooner you let us know about it, the sooner we can set up a date for the review.
Thank you, thank you, D. L.! Your timing is always good with a comment like that. Plus it's a welcome excuse for me to come back to this announcement and get excited all over again!
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