Sunday, January 31, 2010

Me and Ian and Catherine

Filament magazine, "the thinking woman's crumpet," is currently giving away free books—including a copy of Rock My Socks Off! RMSO is in the giveaway stack with goodies such as the "definitive biography" of quirky rock legend Ian Dury and the newest memoir by Catherine Millet.

Here's some more info (and I quote):
"Questions will be drawn from Filament magazine Issue 3, so you'll need a copy to participate ... We'll put the questions up on our Twitter, Facebook and here on LiveJournal. You'll have 24 hours to answer ... If more than one person gets the right answer, we'll choose someone at random, or choose the most interesting answer, judged in a highly unscientific fashion ... The winner gets to choose the book they want ... If you win or even if you enter, we're not going to disclose your name or other details ... We'll keep running questions until we run out of books."

P.S. Keep up with the quiz questions by reading the most recent Filament blog entries.


Danielle said... are everywhere nowadays arent you..??? great...keep on rocking them socks off..:-)

Jeremy Edwards said...

Thanks, Danielle! I'll keep my socks handy, though, just in case Catherine and Ian throw me out of bed and I have to dress in a hurry. : )