I'm so honored to be the interview subject (or, since I'm the interview
ee rather than the interview
er, do I mean "object"? or maybe "gerund"? "adverbial phrase"?) ... anyway, I am truly honored that the legendary Ashley Lister has interviewed me for the July installment of his "Between the Lines" column at the
Erotica Readers & Writers Association website! I always love reading Ashley's various columns at ERWA—he's a paragon of writerly wisdom and dazzling wit—and it's a thrill to be the subject—er, to be his
guest in one of them. The interview is about the writing process for my story "Impressionism," in which an art dealer arranges a few special, ahem, exhibits.
For those not already familiar with ERWA: It's a wonderful, free resource that is an immense boon to the erotic writing (and reading) community. I visit constantly for the reviews, the comprehensive listings of submissions opportunities, and of course the variety of terrific articles. This month, for example, in addition to those by Ashley, you'll find columns by Hanne Blank, Amie M. Evans, Ann Regentin, Jean Roberta, and Donna George Storey.
Thanks, KM! : )
Do you always have a tube of glue in your hand?
No, sometimes it's in my other hand.
Great interview. Congrats!
Well done, Jeremy. Fascinating glimpse into your creative process!
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, I just found and read that last night -- I adore Ashley Lister, so I was delighted to see it! Lovely interview, and congrats!!
It was like seeing inside your brain!
Good work, both of you!!
Fantastic! Very entertaining and interesting.
I really liked your point about structure and how some stories seem to evolve organically and others are comprised of bits you've somehow got to piece together. I'm currently working on a short and feeling a tad glueless so it was nice to see the distinction set out so clearly. Ta very much! I saw daylight!
Your story sounds most intriguing.
Thanks, everyone!! : )
I'm so sorry I was behind the eight ball reading this. Very cool and very interesting. Congratulations. Kudos. I love hearing about how other writer's find their muse.
Both you and KM tipped me off to Donna George Storey's sexy, Farmer's Market piece, and I've linked that story to my blog; keeping with the sexy fruit theme for the holiday weekend.
I hope all is well. I've been following you via AT blog. ;-)
Hi, Neve. Thank you! I always love running into you in the Blogland, too!
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