Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fun to Come!

Of course it is. But what I actually meant, in this case, was "Read on for a description of some events of a highly enjoyable nature, scheduled for the near future."

To wit: Tomorrow, Sunday, January 26, begins the much-talked-about blogland progressive dinner, as previously described here! The festivities kick off (isn't it funny how festivities, evidently, have feet?) in the capable hands (isn't it funny how arms, anatomically, have hands?) of "Just Craig" Sorensen, whose talents as a mouth-amuser are already legendary. Our sprawling blog bacchanalia will extend through Wednesday, February 4, with a different course of food, entertainment, and discussion, hosted at a different author's blog, almost every day.

In the midst of all this extended revelry—on Tuesday, January 27, while we cleanse our collective palates and reapply our collective makeup between courses—my blog will play host to Nikki Magennis and her mind-blowing, eroto-rockin' new novel, The New Rakes! Nikki will be telling us about her passionate relationship with rock 'n' roll and indulging us with exquisite excerpts ... and it's rumored there will even be an X-rated paper-doll floor show!


Donna said...

I can't wait for all of it--who thought January could be so much fun?!

Neve Black said...

Yah! I'll need to take a breather between all the food, so I'm looking forward to hearing more about Nikki's novel.

Thanks, Jeremy!

Erobintica said...

X-rated paper dolls! Ah, brings back fond memories. hehehe

This'll be fun.

Anonymous said...

"Of course it is."

That made me laugh out loud, and I kept laughing throughout my reading of the entire post! I'm quite looking forward to all this upcoming revelry! ;)

Nikki Magennis said...

Can't wait, Jeremy! Am doing my vocal warm ups now!