Announcements, Links, & Trivia Pertaining to the Erotic Writing Career of Jeremy Edwards. This blog may contain sexually explicit prose, audio, and book-cover photos (and it links to websites with explicit text, audio, and/or images), so it's for adults only.
"Jeremy Edwards is an incredible storyteller." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"Jeremy Edwards’ masterful blend of sensuousness with a splash of kink is sure to arouse the most sophisticated readers." Alison Tyler
"Jeremy Edwards is one of the best writers of erotic fiction." Polly Frost, author of Deep Inside and Sex Scenes
"Jeremy Edwards never fails to please." Lucrezia Magazine
"The man has magic in each and every one of his dirty little fingertips." ZenFetish
"Jeremy Edwards has, in two novels and countless shorter pieces, managed to earn himself a spot as a master of erotocomedic fiction. The light, carefree but deeply affectionate way in which his characters interact with each other has become his trademark, and I’m hooked on it." Madeline Elayne
"His stories are witty, charming, intelligent, raunchy, and wildly arousing." Saskia Walker
"His upbeat stories should be required reading for a sex-positive approach to the sensual life." Donna George Storey
"Witty, humorous, and erotically romantic.... It is a flavor all its own." Roxanne Rhoads
"The irresistible blend of raunch and romantic sweetness..." Forum (UK)
"Sex-positive and upbeat ... hurtles along at the unmissable pace of a Buster Keaton car chase.... [Edwards] knows how to tell a story that excites and entertains and his fiction is never less than a must-read." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"How can you not love an author who focuses first on his heroines’ intelligence and second on their sexual exuberance, with physical appearance taking third place?... This is a clever and very funny book." Beyond Romance
"Fans of Jeremy Edwards' erotic tales are sure to enjoy this expertly-paced romp through the glamorous world of 1930's Hollywood. You'll find Edwards' signature witty repartee, an unfettered celebration of sensual pleasure, and plenty of clever twists in a story that evokes the screwball comedies of the golden age." Donna George Storey
"Jeremy is gifted at combining humour and erotic elements in a rollicking good story. No easy task. His latest novel, The Pleasure Dial, is a real treat.... " Saskia Walker
"The novel never wavers in its vibrant, lively pacing and flawlessly entertaining storyline. I frequently found myself caught between laughing out loud and beaming with delight at the charm and wit that abounds in the prose...." Emerald
"I smiled and giggled all the way through this romp of a read.... Fear not however—the humour doesn’t in any way detract from the sensuality of the piece—this tale is toasty!" Kay Jaybee
"It reminded me of the works of P.G. Wodehouse, which are likewise peopled with charming eccentrics...." Vanessa Wu
"Lubricious, lively, and louche...." The Jaydit Reader
"What makes this book truly special ... is the raucous sense of humor upon which the sex is buoyed.... There is not a cliché to be found in the entire novel and, when it comes to erotica, that alone is quite a feat." Jordan LaRousse, Oysters & Chocolate Erotic
"Mr. Edwards paints a delightful picture of a relationship grounded on mutual respect and mutual horniness.... If you're in search of some good-natured, cheeky entertainment, I recommend it highly." Lisabet Sarai, Erotica Revealed
"A blisteringly good read. From the opening lines the story is charged with chemistry between the central characters." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"A splendid demonstration of how to ally sex and humour.... [It] will raise the reader’s temperature and royally entertain." Maxim Jakubowski, Lovereading UK
"Protagonists Jacob and Normandie are like a modern-day Nick and Nora Charles, except their Thin Man–style adventures leap quickly from clever innuendo to hot and explicit erotic encounters of every flavor.... I highly recommend you read this with a glass of champagne by your side." Donna George Storey
"From page one, I was as in love with this novel's characters as they are with each other.... Brilliantly delightful and unwaveringly uplifting, Rock My Socks Off offers nonstop entertainment and dazzling prose in a tale of sexual openness, enthusiasm, and love." Emerald
"Rock My Socks Off is a fun-fest .... A rollicking good romp." Lucy Felthouse
"So warm, charming, funny and sexy."Charlotte Stein
"Smart, perverse and sexually inventive." Polly Frost, author of Deep Inside and Sex Scenes
"A humorous and sexy frolic that you won't want to put down." Roxanne Rhoads
"Sharp. Witty. Fun. Sexy. I don’t think you can ask for much more from an author of erotic fiction." Ashley Lister, Erotica Readers & Writers Association
"There’s something about the characterization in these stories that blew me away.... This is a brilliant collection of short stories." Samantha Sade, Oysters & Chocolate Erotic
"You can’t miss with Spark My Moment." Steven Hart, Erotica Revealed
"A whole book of fun sex.... a Jeremy Edwards extravaganza.... Every story is uplifting in some way." Sharazade
"Jeremy Edwards is stamping out the literary equivalent of airbrushed thighs.... Spark My Moment is packed full of stories with wonderful, cerebral plot lines with no shitty clichés anywhere." Helen Storey, Foreplay
oh that is awsome..:-)
congrats for the own socks off rocking homepage..:-))))
I was saying "woohoo!" even before I read your own "woohoo"!
What a lovely "plot development"!
Jeremy, that get an official, Neve Black, oooooh, la, la!
That is great news, Jeremy. I can't wait to get my copy!!!
Thanks, Danielle! (Hmm ... maybe they should give away a free pair of socks with each purchase?)
What a lovely "plot development"!
Actually, Confidant, when I said "woohoo!" I was pre-quoting you (in the spirit of preordering books, don't you know).
And look! I not only got a "woohoo!" but I'm also the proud recipient of an NB "oooooh, la, la!" I am a very lucky boy.
I can't wait to get my copy!!!
Thanks, Heidi! (Don't forget to have your sock size handy*.)
*Or should I say "footsie"?
Yay! Congrats!
The countdown begins...
Verification word: oustoch
When the book goes oustoch, they'll have to print more.
Double yay! I love that cover so much. And the buzz is growing louder, impossible to ignore :-).
My spam word is breasttst.
Definitely the breastest news!
YAY, J! WooHoo indeed!
Haha, thanks, Craig! Way to verify!
My spam word is breasttst.
Mmm, I love the way you pronounce that word, Donna. ; )
Definitely the breastest news!
LOL. Thanks!!
YAY, J! WooHoo indeed!
Thank you, Marina! And I dig the "rare" designer WooHoo, with the capital H. (Did you find that on eBay?)
"AN" erotic novel! Yes!!! They listened to you!
Congrats Mr J!
Thanks, Janine!
Truly, the people at Xcite are very responsive and cool.
Congratulations are in pre-order!
Nice one, JE.
Congratulations are in pre-order!
Ha! Brilliant!
Thank you, O initials buddy!
Congratulations, Jeremy. Xcite seems to be 'where it's at' these days. Hats off to you for leading the wave. Oh, right. Well, my (black) hat's off to you.
Many thanks for the reading tips. Tonight isn't far away. The tips help waylay the panic...at the moment, anyway.
Thank you, MM!
Hats off to you for leading the wave. Oh, right. Well, my (black) hat's off to you.
: ) Which hat will you be wearing tonight? Nosey millinery fanciers want to know!
Congratulations, Jeremy! What exciting news!! (Sorry for the tardiness with that; I haven't been online much the past week.)
Thanks, Emerald! And you're not late: you're just 17 weeks early instead of 17 1/2 weeks early! That's the beauty of prerelease publicity. ; )
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