Ultimate Decadence, which the famous Mil Millington has described as "an anthology of detonator cap short stories," includes the work of writers such as Rachel Kramer Bussel, Elizabeth Coldwell, Justine Elyot, Mark Farley, Miranda Forbes, Laura Godman, Maxim Jakubowski, Madeline Moore, and Donna George Storey. How decadent can you get! My own contribution to the parade of erotic decadence is a piece called "The Gilded Fountain":
Jocelyn’s club was housed in an impressive eighteenth-century building in a quiet street. The moon came out from behind clouds just as the couple arrived, and its glow gave the staid facade an exciting aura of promise.
They were elegantly attired. “There’s no specific dress code,” Jocelyn had explained. “Most people just find something dramatic or glamorous to wear—you’ll see why.”
Ultimate Decadence follows last year's Ultimate Burlesque, which also benefits Macmillan.
And here's more breaking news, this time from the UK magazine world: My story "Judy Never" can be found in the brand new [October] issue of Forum!
Congratulations squared, Jeremy! Always an honor and a pleasure to share a toc with you and such a stellar group of smutters :-).
Congrats Jeremy, that's really awesome!!
Well done, Jeremy!
Thanks, folks!
Donna, do you think it would be too decadent of me to read the whole book as soon as my copy arrives?
Whennnn will my copy of this arrive? *drums fingers on desk*
I bet we'll have them very soon! I've always received my Xcite contrib copies very promptly.
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