I have an assortment of things I want to mention here today, so I've made a carefully organized list—if only for the doodle space. Actual order of content may have little to do with list order. Package (ahem) by weight, not volume.
First off (first off in this post, not necessarily on the list), just a reminder about my "Delayed-Gratification" offer for holiday gift-givers. Click down ("down" because the link goes to an earlier post on this very blog) for full details; and I'd like to add (Forgot to Mention Before Dept.) that Xcite offers gift-wrapping for £1.00.
Speaking of Xcite, I'm delighted to announce the publication of Temptations 2, a mini-anthology that contains my story "Open-Bottle Policy," along with hot adventures from Primula Bond, Alicia Carter,

While the car ascended with a soothing whir, Becky broke the silence. “I don’t know if this was strictly necessary, according to the open-bottle rules. But I am going on break ... and I can do whatever I like on my break.” She stepped closer to me. “Whatever I like,” she repeated. And she reached forward and tapped my chest, ever so briefly.
Looking ahead ... I know I keep yammering about my novel's January release date (!), but there are more anthologies on the horizon as well. Early in 2010 we'll see The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 9, Coming Together: Into the Light, Sex, Love & Valentines, and The Cougar Book, with Fairy Tale Lust and Sex in the City: New York following in the spring. SITCNY is breaking news—the lineup has just been decided for this collection of NYC-themed erotic tales, part of a new series whose initial offerings will also include volumes about Dublin, London, and Paris. I'm so thrilled that editor Maxim Jakubowski will be using my story, which, as I explain in the accompanying author's note, I poured my heart into:
Call it emotional masturbation, but I felt moved as I completed the work: I felt as if I’d “given back” to a city that has hosted me and aroused me, flattered me and seduced me.
Finally, before gathering up my doodle-covered notes and adjourning for coffee, I'd like to point you to some new or newish releases by my esteemed colleagues: Collections by erotica prodigies Justine Elyot and Charlotte Stein have recently hit the shelves, and the amazing Alison Tyler has been setting the e-book world on fire. Sommer Marsden and Saskia Walker have all manner of sensational releases on the dance floor, while Shanna Germain and Gina Marie are ready to MindFuck you in the best way. There's a new one from the illustrious M. Christian, and the first one from turbo-charged up-and-comer Scarlett Greyson. What a great time to be an erotica reader!
Great post Jeremy. Thanks for the mention, and congratulations on your various publishing successes. xx
Thanks, Lucy! My book just arrived yesterday, so I haven't dipped in yet ... but I'm looking forward to reading your great piece this weekend!
Jeremy, you are a legend - and it looks as if 2010 is shaping up to be your year in a Big Way, which is just as it should be.
Congrats on all your achievements and thank you so much for the mention - not only is it a great time to be an erotica writer, but you are a great friend for any erotica writer to have. High five, JE!
(PS: I'm in the Sex in the City London antho - my rude story dudes will wave at yours across the Atlantic.)
A lovely post with lots of info, Jeremy! Congrats on all the action (hahaha)!
I love what you said about SITCNY, especially since I just finished reading The Age of Innocence, also set there, and thus have had New York in my consciousness as well.
Congratulations again, and happy December to you too!!!
Aw, thank you, JE! I don't know if I'm a legend ... maybe a rumor?
And big congrats on SITCL! Yes, let's schedule a transatlantic party for our characters. (We'll sort out the time difference somehow.)
Thanks, Emerald!
That's one of the good things about a place like New York: it's big enough that we can all have a piece of it in our consciousnesses, without fear of using it all up. : )
Hip Hip Hooray!!
Thanks, ER! You're so cool, even your hoorays are hip!
Massive congrats on all the great Jeremy Edwardness that's going on everywhere- as Justine said, it's definitely going to be your year. Can't believe your book is so close!
And thanks for the mention. I hope I can be a fraction as supportive to you as you have been to me.
Thank you, CSTMV!
Can't believe your book is so close!
I know! It's so close now, I can feel its breath on my neck. (To the left a little, please, RMSO.)
the info here is always good info..congrats for the book..:-)))
Thanks, Danielle!
Btw, I love your custom smiley!
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